Why Volunteer
With RSVP of Paducah?

Why Volunteer
Changing Lives is a Fulfilling Experience
Challenges can humbling and give us the passion to strive for excellence in everything we do. Although volunteering is a challenging endeavor, it can also be highly rewarding, giving us a sense of purpose and connecting us to the world around us.
You Have a Sense of Community
Volunteers feel a sense of community, which has a positive impact on their health and overall well-being. Volunteering satisfies our need for community and helping others. Changing someone’s life fosters relationships. On a larger scale, these relationships form the heart of healthy communities.
You Build Confidence and Self-Esteem
Volunteering and sharing your talents for the good of others is an effective way for you to learn more about yourself. Once you see the good that you are capable of doing, you have the confidence you need to keep climbing. You also inspire others to keep climbing.
You Learn from Others
It’s hard to claim that once we have started a career, or have started to settle down, we have stopped learning. We are learning about each other and ourselves every day. When we volunteer, not only do we learn a new skill or trade, we also learn the skills and trade that other volunteers that we work with bring along.
Health Benefits of Volunteering
Volunteers benefit from better health while helping others. The health benefits of volunteering include:
Greater longevity
Higher functional ability
Lower rates of depression
Lower risk of heart disease.
Numerous studies indicate that volunteering for 100 or more hours annually leads to improved physical and mental health in aging adults. A study of adults age 65 and older found that the positive effect of volunteering on physical and mental health is due to the personal sense of accomplishment an individual gains from his or her volunteer activities.
Individuals over 70 who volunteered approximately 100 hours had less of a decline in self-reported health and functioning levels, experienced lower levels of depression and had more longevity.

Signup to Volunteer with RSVP
Ready to volunteer with the Retired & Senior Volunteer Program of Paducah/McCracken County, use the form below to sign up. We will contact you once we receive the information.

Volunteer Requirements & Benefits
Here are some of the requirements and benefits for volunteering with the Retired & Senior Volunteer Program. You:
Must obtain free Volunteer Supplemental Accident and Liability Insurance protection.
Are at least 55 years of age and serve in Paducah/McCracken County.
Receive Placement Services – members can choose from a wide range of volunteer opportunities in various agencies, hospitals and schools.
Gain membership in a national organization that supports volunteerism.
Attend the annual Volunteer Recognition Banquet.
Receive the quarterly RSVP newsletter.